Category: Beeline Interviews
Beeline Zoom Interview: Andy Lagow, Car Leasing & Sales Consultant
Beeline Interview: Maptote’s Rachel Rheingold & Michael Berick

Maptote’s tote bags are the perfect neighborbee bling. How else can you proudly and properly pimp out your ‘hood? My own Queens tote has been to all five boroughs and back as well as various ‘hoods on many continents. I’ve used it to tote groceries, picnic wares and beach going gear. Plus, they’re local (Brooklyn-based) …
Beeline Interview: Filmmaker, Writer & Blogger Kat Asharya
Beeline Interview: Illustrator Jillian Tamaki

Jillian Tamaki is an amazing illustrator whose work you have likely already seen, but didn’t realize you did. (Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, The Washington Post, The Guardian, etc.) Her blog is one I keep tabs on, her pencil sketches and watercolors some of my favorite pieces. She is …
Beeline Interview: Ill iterate Anne Ishii
Anne’s a bit of a rockstar. She’s a jack of all trades and is always popping up in my day to day. Like this great interview with her by the Comics Reporter, this excellent article on film and pop culture at the Village Voice she wrote, her translation of the recently released Bat-Manga! (It’s a …
Beeline Interview: This Is a Bust Author Ed Lin
Ed is a great story teller. And a funny guy. Check out his blog, catch a reading, or pick up one of his books – or do all three – and you’ll get sucked right in. (What book do you know has been blurbed by Junot Diaz, reviewed by Playboy mag and inspired this gem? …
Beeline Interview: Misha’s John Chao & Ashley Yao
Misha has been described as “musically delicious“, which is exactly what they are. Not only is their music beautiful – some of their songs (Weatherbee Acoustics) have that perfect edge for Fall – but John and Ashley are such beautiful humble souls, too. Name: Ashley Yao and John Chao Occupation: human clothes hangar and suit …
Beeline Interview: Artist Ernest Concepcion
Beeline Interview: Neiko Designs’ Amanda Truong
Neiko Design bags are how I like to define New Yorkers: tough yet elegant, classic and timeless, classy and fashionable. Lucky us, we got to interview Amanda Truong, the woman behind the bag designs whose very hands stitch together each unique bag. These bags are functional, stylish, totally affordable, and not just for the ladies! …