Name: Lauren Zettler Occupation: Musician Borough/Neighborhood: East Village
Category: Beeline Interviews
Beeline Interview: Stray Vintage’s Dan & Tara Glasser
I liked Stray Vintage immediately. I was so happy when they opened in the neighborhood. They’re a happy combination of vintage, new, and neighborhood-local. I love taking leisurely strolls down Skillman and wandering into Stray to check out bags and trinkets. (And usually end up crushing on a piece of furniture that I sadly don’t …
Beeline Interview: Not Eating Out In NY’s Cathy Erway
Cathy’s food blog is one of those blogs where I bookmark recipes and find inspiration. Beyond her recipes, I visit her blog often to discover local food events (Pig butchering class anyone? Yes, I am one girl who is down!), or learn about foraging food tours in NYC parks (It’s completely safe, edible, and likely …
Beeline Interview: Eat Drink One Woman’s Ganda Suthivarakom
I first discovered Ganda’s blog, Eat Drink One Woman, when I was still living in Sunset Park. (She had me at pupusa–where to get it in the ‘hood.) She’s smart, witty, has a beautiful voice, (She was part of Cibo Matto! She sang with David Byrne! And is a super-talented musician in her own right–check …
Beeline Interview: The Diamond’s Dave & Alex Pollack

[Photo by James Turek from New York Magazine] Dave & Alex have something special. The Diamond. It’s the right mix of good beer, a chill environment, and unpretentious company. Conversations flow freely from behind the bar to those sitting around the bar to include even those playing shuffleboard. It feels seamless and open and never …
Beeline Interview: Andrew Stout

Andrew is this unassuming guy who totally schooled me in math. Math is what keeps your bank accounts secure and makes it less easy for people to steal your credit card numbers. Oh, and its also what keeps your cell phone lines (and those secret numbers) private. Through encryption and cryptology, your shit is safe. …
Beeline Interview: Tom Silvestro
Beeline Interview: Anthony Lobosco

Hi everyone! I’m Serena and I’m the new editor at Neighborbee. We’ll be introducing some new writers and features so stick around and stay tuned! This week, we’ll be starting our interviews. First up is our very own Anthony Lobosco. You may have already met Anthony, but do you know his favorite local spots? His …